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Data in DIGITbrain


Data sources are individual entities or assets in DIGITbrain that serve data for computations made by Algorithms whose results are persisted in the same or another Data resource called a Data sink.

When composing Processes, the DMA Composer chooses one or more Data resources, specifying exactly where the Algorithm should consume the data from and where to store its outputs. Such decoupling makes possible that the same Data resource can potentially be processed by different Algorithms (different analytics on same IPI data) or the same Algorithm can be applied on a different Data resource (same analytics but on different IPI data). Note that Model that is though another parameter of DMA tuples are not considered as "Data resource" in this context.

Data resources can either provide data (source), store data (sink) or enable both (bidirectional), each is of a kind: file store, database, or a stream of data - regardless of the particular implementations: Amazonon S3, Oracle MySQL, Mosquitto MQTT Broker, Apache Kafka, etc., and the corresponding type: s3, mysql, mqtt, kafka, etc.

From location point of view, Data resources can be:

  • on premise (or hosted in some private/public cloud external to compute cloud of Algorithm)
  • cloud-hosted (hosted in the same compute cloud but managed independently of the Algorithm)

To enable particular access to data for Algorithms each Data resource has an URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) associated of the form:

  • protocol://host:port/path

which specifies the protocol, host and port information, and additional details in the path part (database name, path of the file, topic name) for connection. For example, URI s3:// specifies a Data resource providing a single file 'myfile.dat' available over S3 protocol at host in bucket 'mybucket'.


On-premises Data resources must be accessible for Algorithms running in a cloud, thus they must:

  • be accessible over the public internet
  • have public IP address or domain name
  • corresponding ports open for the domain towards the compute cloud of the Algorithms

Describing Data

For a closer look at the fields available for Data, use the following resources: