
This page has been auto-generated based on an OpenAPI Specification
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name string character varying description: Name of the data resource.
version string character varying description: Version of the data resource (not of the metadata), defined by the provider in the format of his/her choice (typically: major.minor.patch)
description string character varying description: Human readable description of the data resource characteristics, contents.
description_url string character varying description: More detailed specification of data source characteristics (doc, pdf, …)
size integer integer description: Estimated/exact size of data (e.g. file size, volume size, or message size); might be used to assess HW requirements (RAM, CPU). In bytes.
tags string ARRAY description: A list of tags freely added to help in searching/indexing (not limited to a basic set of tags, keywords)
kind string public.kind enum: ['FILE', 'DATABASE', 'STREAM']
description: Main category of the data resource (e.g. file/object storage, database management system, streaming broker). FILE can mean a single file or a folder.
direction string public.direction enum: ['SOURCE', 'SINK', 'BIDIRECTIONAL']
description: Direction of data flow (source: data provider, sink: data consumer/storage)
format string ARRAY description: Format/encoding of the data produced or consumed by the data resource as a MIME type (IETF RFC 6838 More than one can appear here (remote directory with several files).
type string character varying description: The exact type of the data resource. Typically (but not always) corresponds to the scheme part (scheme://) of URI. E.g.: mysql, mqtt.
uri string character varying description: Accessibility of the data resource, including host, port information, protocol, and other fields (path is protocol dependent, can be a topic name). GUI may show host, port, path separately. Hidden at search. Format: scheme://host:port/path. Pseudo vars: SCHEME, HOST, PORT, PATH, QUERY, FRAGMENT.
auth_type string ARRAY description: One or more authentication types that can be accepted by the storage resource.
credentials string character varying description: Credentials (e.g. string/json, zip, config file). Its content (structure) depends on authentication type (e.g. token, username and password). OPEN means must not be filled here, but asked from user on startup.
aux_info string json description: List of key-value pais (JSON object/YAML dictionary) for additional specification of the data resource. New keys can be added on demand, a list of known keys is available.
schema string character varying description: Describes message internal structure, semantics, ontology. It can be any file (doc, rdf, owl, etc.). Asset Administration Shell, IEC 61360 - Common Data Dictionary, ...
schema_url string character varying description: URL to schema specification document (in some format, rdf, owl, xsd, …)