
This page has been auto-generated based on an OpenAPI Specification
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name string character varying description: Name of the model
version string character varying description: Version of the model, defined by the provider.
license string character varying description: License of the model. Type tbd in SAD group
provider_contacts string character varying description: Dictionary with keys being phone, email, address - Type takes into account co-simulation models, for which solver info is mandatory (next slide)
description string character varying description: Model tag description Additional info about model files (e.g. versioning, scope, i.e. what is the model used for, e.g. simulation, control, etc.) - Human readable marketplace description
auth_tool string character varying description: Authoring Tool used to create the model
type string character varying description: ML, LCA, 3D FEM and CFD, System simulation, discrete event simulation, co-simulation (it couples a model with specific algorithms) - The original term Path was proposed to be changed (SAD)
fidelity integer integer description: Error of the model’s prediction
repository_uri string character varying description: Where the model file is stored (usually the DigitBrain certified external model repository). The path and model filename are not provided via this field.
path string character varying description: Path to the model file in the specified repository, not including the filename itself.
filename string character varying description: Name of the model file at the given path within the given repo, with a file extension if it exists.
state_depend boolean boolean description: stateful -> 1, stateless -> 0
inslots string ARRAY description: List of objects with values on which the model is evaluated (or parameters that might set before or during the evaluation) - Inputs and parameters together, although if needed we can still differentiate them internally in key field for each specific model.
outslots string ARRAY description: List of objects with values that the model approximates
os_arch string character varying description: OS architecture type (e.g. x86_64)
os_type string character varying description: OS type (e.g. Windows, Linux)
os_distribution string character varying description: OS distributun (e.g. Ubuntu, Fedora)
recommended_number_of_gpu_cores integer integer description: Recommended number of GPU cores
minimum_number_of_gpu_cores integer integer description: Minimum required number of GPU cores
recommended_gpu_ram integer integer description: Recommended GPU memory
minimum_gpu_ram integer integer description: Minimum required GPU memory
recommended_ram integer integer description: Recommended Memory
minimum_ram integer integer description: Minimum required memory
recommended_cpus integer integer description: Recommended number of CPU cores
minimum_cpus integer integer description: Minimum required number of CPU cores
required_disk_space integer integer description: Required amount of disk space in GB